It was about 10 years back when we used to go to an electric store, look at the various equipments, think what looks good and sit for an hour negotiating to crack a good hefty bargain for a new one. But, Gone are those days the modern day buyer looks at your website/app, E-catalogues and looks upon the social medias for the referrals and dive deep to understand the products they want to buy through all your infos available online and take a decision to buy it from the e-commerce company that offers a good deal and is trustworthy. “My day starts with a good cup of coffee” is quite an old quote but how do I make that good cup of coffee has been sticking in the minds of coffee lovers and coffee geeks who drinks 4 to 5 cups a day and take pride in how and what they brew. Being in coffee business for about a decade, I am seeing an evolution in how coffee is being accepted a day-to-day beverage in comparison to an indulgence it uses to be 5 to 10 years ago… I still remember my workdays at coffee brands where we had a dedicated coffee shops and showroom to give a firsthand feel to all our customers who will spend 02-05 lakhs on a commercial coffee machine and at least deserve to have a look and feel of it and try a coffee from our shops to understand how the machine functions and what kind of product it can deliver. But, As we enter into 2021, the coffee brewing technologies have been revolutionized purely to offer convenience to brew at home or at office and personalized coffee machines are in demand. This online demand has been aided due to lockdown and limited options to go out and enjoy a coffee and has thrown in an immense opportunity to sell brewing technologies through e-commerce which has no borders and helps the customer make a decision faster on what to buy and where to buy it from. We have seen a lot of business owners and coffee geeks enquiring and buying pour-over sets, home coffee machine for home and office purpose. In addition, our latest trending products include small brewing accessories like French press, pour over, kettles, weighing scales, coffee ratio, hand grinders that can grind beans into powder depending upon the kind of coffee that needs to be brewed, cold brew dripper, coffee syphon which this gives us a fair good idea on the passion our buyers have for brewing a perfect cup of coffee. To be a barista at home is a new craze in Nepal too and is only going to grow as more coffee lovers convert from instant to roast and ground coffee. Along with the brewing technologies, coffee beans have been in great demand throughout 2020 and probably the most coffee consumed at Home was in this year in spite the challenges faced. e-commerce has opened up avenues for new entrepreneurs to enter coffee business and create a demand and cater to the demand of new aged Nepalese who treat coffee as a bliss and will go all out to satisfy their craving for a good cup. Certainly, the coming days would be way different on how coffee drinking was perceived, and coffee is more of a day-to-day beverage with machines reaching in ease the kitchens of growing upper middle-class Nepalese.

Himal Subedi
Managing Director, Dhaulagiri Coffee